Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
C'mon, Al!
Win this fucker!

Twelve Days Of Christmas Music Blogging
Nobody Asked Me, But...
2) Somehow, it warms my heart to hear all those Obombers who stood there defending Rev. Wright whine about this. I don't like Warren, either, I think the choice is a dumb, pandering move, but then I thought Wright was wrong to damn America, too.
3) With all that this nation has gone thru, Zimbabwe's bout with cholera is a tragedy beyond words.
4) There are few companies whose image is so closely linked with its founder. Apple is one of them and now that Steve Jobs seems to be in his last laps as CEO, one wonders what's next?
5) There's 2,900 pages of donors. I don't think a handful like this will be a problem for Hillary.
6) MEMO to George Bush: Half-assed efforts end in half-assed results.
7) Why do I think this is not nearing its end?
8) Uhhhh, oops!
9) OK, this is REALLY jumping the shark!
10) Nurse Chapel, we hardly knew ye.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Arguably The Stupidest Liberal Of The Week
As the last person on earth to write about Caroline Kennedy, I too am pretty strongly against handing her a Senate seat. Nothing personal -- but I'm anti-dynasty, and feel that a Senate appointment requires at least some minimum threshold of experience and engagement.
It's worth emphasizing though how unseemly the whole thing is, particularly in the age of Blago. The Blago pay-for-play raises some interesting line-drawing challenges. Legislators seek favors all the time -- that's a huge part of what legislating is. But where is the line?
The key I think is to focus one the purpose of the benefit sought. If it's for some plausibly public benefit, then fine. If it's for private benefit, then that's where things start getting smelly. If Blago, for instance, had said "I demand that you push for universal health care. If you do, I'll appoint your preferred candidate." That's pay-for-play in a sense -- it's demanding a "payment" of sorts -- but that's perfectly acceptable in our current system.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
A Quick Favor
If you've already taken this survey elsewhere, then please click this link anyway, so that your information can be included in my results.
World's Shortest Meeting
WASHINGTON — The White House has prepared more than a dozen contingency plans to help guide President-elect Barack Obama if an international crisis erupts in the opening days of his administration, part of an elaborate operation devised to smooth the first transition of power since Sept. 11, 2001.
[...]Mr. Bush said Tuesday that a top priority in his final days in office is to help Mr. Obama get ready to govern. "We care about him," he said in an interview with CNN. "We want him to be successful, and we want the transition to work."
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Tip Of The Iceberg
Monday, December 15, 2008
Shoes For Industry! Shoes For The Dead!
The most recent draft stipulates that American forces will withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 2009 and from the country by the end of 2011, and contains amendments made by the Americans in response to Iraqi demands made last month.
"The deliberations are continuing in the cabinet in order to ascertain the scope of the amendments that have been added in order to reach a clear agreement and to see if it is acceptable to parliament," Safaldin al-Safi said. "The American response contained many positive elements, but at the same time it contained clauses that require more discussion," the head of Iraq's parliamentary affairs committee said in a statement Tuesday.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Twelve Days of Christmas Music Blogging
Arguably the weirdest collaboration ever staged. Bing looks a little uncomfortable at times.