"Democrats Work For Solutions; Republicans Pray The Problem Will Go Away" - Actor212
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Physically abused and neglected children are much more likely to grow into severely depressed adults, a finding that researchers said on Monday points to an urgent need to test abused children for depression early on.Having spent more money on therapy than I care to admit, it's nice to see that I had a lot of help mucking my life up. I had always looked to my upbringing, such as it was, as a strength: I learned to be independent, to be self-contained and not needing of anyone else's help. Yes, it hurt, but I learned to stand on my own two feet.
Physically abused children have a 59 percent increased risk of lifetime major depression compared with similar children who were not abused, said the study in this month's issue of the Archives of General Psychiatry.
Earlier studies had linked childhood abuse with serious depression but researchers said this study is the first to show that depression is a consequence of the abuse.
My Wishes For The New Year
1) That the troops come home, safe and secure.
2) That someone is held accountable for the past six years of raping and pillaging the national psyche and the national economy.
3) That failure be acknowledged, and miserable failures doubly so.
4) That the new Congress not fuck things up.
5) That the Mets win the World Series.
6) That each of you find the happiness you seek and so richly deserve, so long as it is not to the detriment of another person.
7) That we all take a good long look at ourselves and make sure that happiness we seek and so richly deserve is truly what we want.
8) That we all meet again this time next year, and be friends.
"Many difficult choices and further sacrifices lie ahead," he said in a statement released late Friday from his Texas ranch. "Yet the safety and security of the American people require that we not relent in ensuring that Iraq's young democracy continues to progress."Huh?