First it was Duke Cunningham, who went down to the tune of $2.4 million, partly in bribes provided by coerced employees of MZM Inc.
Now, the spotlight turns to none other than Katherine Harris, proving once more that graft is an equal-opportunity corruptor. She, along with with at least two other House Republicans (including, of course, Cunningham), have been named as recipients of similar sizable donations from MZM employees.
What does MZM do? Well, no one's really sure. However, former employees point to three government contracts MZM has:
Counter Intelligence Field Activity, a highly secretive program created in 2002 by a Pentagon directive that focuses on gathering intelligence to avert attacks like the ones on Sept. 11, 2001.Why Harris, whose name is hardly synonymous with "intelligence"?
The Army National Ground Intelligence Center in Charlottesville, Va., whose mission is to provide soldiers with battlefield intelligence.
The U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command at Ft. Belvoir, Va., just outside Washington, which also provides battlefield intelligence.
MZM has been seeking to increase its contracts with the Central Command, which oversees military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Special Operations Command, both based at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla., according to former employees.
MZM is also planning to buy a facility in Harris' district, where it can be close to two of its other customers, the U.S. Central Command and the Special Operations Command, which are in a neighboring congressional district.Thanks to Talking Points Memo for this tidbit.