I'm taking a short, three-day break to restore my mind, body and soul. On the third day, I shall return, resurrected if you will with fresh thoughts and new ways of seeing things.
I chose this particular title to commemorate the fact that the Roman emperor Constantine had a vision before a battle (with Maxentius, I think) in which a cross appeared to him in the sky. After his victory, his conversion to Christianity was sealed. I use it to remind us all, both of the faith and those who believe in other systems of faith, that we can win this battle for America, for peace, for equality, for justice, and for the very soul of this nation.
It's easy to think, when you look around you, that this nation is ruled by a majority of morons who elect puppets of evil men, if not evil men themselves. It's easy to think, when you look around you, that most Americans would rather see rigid dogma replace enlightened thought. It's easy to think, when you look around you, that most Americans are more afraid of the marriage of Ed and Fred than they are of losing their jobs.
But that's simply not true. And it is on THAT ground that we can win. America has values. Hell, we have a goddam mission statement that lays them out, and that mission statement says nothing about who can or cannot marry, about how much taxes is the right amount, about whether a mother has the right to decide on the birth of her baby.
In fact, that statement, the most holy statement ever issued by men, specifically gives us the right to revolt and overthrow any government that abuses those rights! We will honor the spirit of this statement when we get these bastards out of office.
Happy Easter, and Happy Passover to you all. May God bless America, once again.