After Karl Rove's resignation, this should have been a particularly obvious event, even if there was speculation that Bush forced Rove's resignation in favor of Gonzalez:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has resigned, an official said on Monday, ending a controversial tenure as chief law enforcement officer that blemished the administration of President George W. Bush.First off, I didn't realize that Chertoff was a lawyer, not that the DoJ has had any interest in law since 2001. Second, the curious thing is that this resignation follows Gonzalez' statement to Senator Arlen Spector (R-PA) that he would be staying to fix the dysfunctionality at Justice, created in large part by his ham-handed handling of the firing of US Attorneys in 2005, among other issues.
Gonzales was to make a statement at the Justice Department at 10:30 EDT. Bush was also expected to make a statement about Gonzales Monday morning, but would not be announcing a replacement, a senior administration official said.
A senior administration official said U.S. Solicitor General Paul Clement will serve as acting Attorney General, amid speculation that Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff could be a candidate for a permanent replacement.
And clearly, Bush would have been happy to have his partner-in-crime, literally, stay on. Thick as thieves, those two, and I suspect when history has its final say on the Bush administration, crimes we don't even suspect right now will have been traced back to those two.