2) Oh, that Bush administration! Their screw-ups will be with us for decades...
3) This is the kind of aggressive thinking we need in America.
4) I guess the bailouts worked for the most part. We seem to be getting repaid pretty promptly.
6) Poor AT&T. It never stood a chance with the iPhone onslaught. Call a whaaaaaambulance.
7) Speaking of bandwidth, are you on a "data diet"?
8) A hedgehog with a personal trainer. Apparently, someone in England has wayyyyyy too much money.
9) Example of your conservative-appeasing media: Seven Foods You Should Never Eat. Cheetos nowhere on the list.
10) Just what we need: a beer mug, with an optional bayonet attachment. You know, for those barfights when a cue stick just doesn't seem sufficient.