LOS ANGELES, Feb 3 (Reuters Life!) - A Chewbacca impersonator was arrested after being accused of head-butting a Hollywood tour guide who warned the furry brown Wookiee about harassing two Japanese tourists, police said on Saturday.
"Nobody tells this Wookiee what to do," "Chewie" from the "Star Wars" movies said before slamming his head into the guide's forehead, the Los Angeles Times newspaper reported.
The 6-foot, 5-inch-(1.96-metre-) tall 44-year-old man was charged on Friday with misdemeanor battery and later released on $20,000 bail, the Los Angeles Police Department said.
Then again, it seems many of our beloved Hollywood icons have hit tough times:
"Superman" and other movie and cartoon impersonators were reported to be witnesses to the aggression in front of Grauman's Chinese Theater amid concern that such behavior could endanger their livelihoods.Superman, you may recall, just starred in a movie last year. Reports from E!Online and InTouch suggest that he may have drunk away his reported $6 million paycheck, distraught over the loss of Lois Lane and of course, his estrangement from the son he never knew.
This recent flare-up comes after a hiatus in which it seems these vagrant movie folks were settling down and trying to make good of their lives. You may recall the truly hideous and scandalous incident:
Two years ago, Mr. Incredible, Elmo the Muppet and the dark-hooded character from the movie "Scream" were arrested for "aggressive begging", the L.A. Times reported."And who can forget the uproar created when Popeye did this beer ad: